Chrysin protects against renal ischemia reperfusion induced tubular cell apoptosis and inflammation in mice
Mingwei Xu, Hongbo Shi, Dongcao Liu.
EXP THER MED. 2019 Jan 21;2256-2262.
引用產品:abs120616 Rabbit Anti-MPO Polyclonal Antibody, abs957 即用型免疫組化二抗試劑盒
The effects of interleukin 17A on left stellate ganglion remodeling are mediated by neuroimmune communication in normal structural hearts
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International Journal of Cardiology. 2019 Mar 15;279(15):64-71.
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Downregulation of G2/mitotic-specific cyclinB1 triggers autophagy via AMPK-ULK1-dependent signal pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
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Cell Death Dis. 2019 Jan 30;10(2):94.
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Exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells attenuate inflammation and demyelination of the central nervous system in EAE rats by regulating the polarization of microglia
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International Immunopharmacology. 2019 Feb 01;67:268-280.
引用產品:abs20023 Goat anti-Rabbit IgG-FITC
Efficient Cholera Toxin B Subunit‐Based Nanoparticles with MRI Capability for Drug Delivery to the Brain Following Intranasal Administration
Yiming Chen, Huimin Fan, Chen Xu, Wenli Hu, Bingran Yu.
Macromol Biosci. 2018 Dec 07;19(2).
引用產品:abs80001 霍亂毒素B亞單位